Thank you for your interest in our site. Your privacy is very important to us. Below, we provide detailed information on the processing of your data.
This information (only your IP address) is transmitted directly by your browser to a Facebook server located in the United States and is stored there.
If you are logged into Facebook while browsing our site, Facebook will be able to link your visit directly to your Facebook user account. If you interact with the plugins, for example by clicking on the "I like" button or by leaving a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted and saved on a Facebook server. They will be published on your Facebook account.
If you do not want Facebook to link information collected through our site to your Facebook user account, you must log out of Facebook before visiting our online store.
For more information on the purpose and extent of data collection by Facebook, its processing and use by Facebook, as well as your rights relating thereto and the configuration options for the protection of your privacy, we invite you to refer to Facebook's data protection information policy, accessible by following this link: